About the Influence Mechanisms on the Customer’s Choice
Are you sure that your everyday decisions are fully rational, rather than emotional?
Do you often think about your everyday actions and motivation?
How often are people being led by their basic instincts, and how can the features of human brain be used to manipulate the decisions of others?
This topic and many others were discussed at the master class by Ilya Bachurin on behavioral economics, which took place on July, 20.
This summary will help you to understand the main instruments to influence the human mind.
There is one curious fact: in 2010 the British Parliament with the head Tony Blair, while adopting several reforms, consulted to professional behaviorists in order to prognose the further reaction of the citizens to the innovations. It means that the government appealed to scientists to analyze the range of probable reactions, which could have predetermined the future governmental course.
The mankind has gone through a comprehensive evolutionary process towards a high level of civilization. In the last centuries we learned to fly, explored the bottom of the Mariana Trench and created hundreds of useful devices.
Nevertheless our behavior is still led by instincts. Being hungry, we eagerly buy a full cart of food at a supermarket. If we are happy, we tend to spend more money on presents. Our mood determines our choice of commodities. Stereotypes itself are very influential: our brain is idle and keen to find the simplest solutions. This phenomena is being widely used by marketing and public relations specialists. Nevertheless only in 2004 the economists admitted that the theory of utility has many weaknesses.
Such observations predetermined several rules for those, who want to develop an marketing strategy or an advertising campaign, seeking to appropriate impulses for someone’s action.
Our actions are led by 3 groups of motives: instincts, desire of a higher social status, and the need for self determination.
You can even analyze your recent activities from this point of view.
If you are a marketing specialist, and you are elaborating a marketing campaign, in order to persuade someone to perform an action, you will have to ensure 3 factors:
Clear and understandable motivation
Physical possibility to perform the expected action
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