January 22, Kharkiv IT Cluster opened a new season of Kids2IT project. The first game of the project took place in school No. 147. The game was mentored by Nelya Olaresko from Beetroot, the member of the Cluster. Together we conducted the market research and participated in the process of designing of the phones of the future!
Within the game students from grades 9-A and 9-B were divided into two groups. The task of each group was to develop an innovative mobile phone. The game was fun and engaging, and had a lot of vivid discussions on the development and marketing of future devices.
Nelya Olaresco, a mentor from Beetroot, shared her impressions:
“That was great! The game showed us how different we all are, how differently we see the world around us. As HR, I noticed which of the kids really has an interest and ability in future IT professions. In addition, the game helped us to understand whether the student is a team player or not. ”
Indeed, thanks to the Kids2IT game, children understand that IT specialists are not only programmers, but also representatives of the humanitarian sphere: marketers, PR specialists, HR, copywriters, analysts, designers. There are many more professions and directions for development in the IT field.
Elena Alexandrovna, director of the school №147 has a lot of nice impressions: “I did not expect that the children would be so interested! It was amazing to see how the guys came together in groups, got involved in the development process – it was a real team work! Playing in a non-standard way will help our students decide on their future profession. ”
9th grade student Vika Filimonkova amazed us with her mature viewpoint on environmental issues: “I liked the game, it gives an opportunity to express myself, and this idea united us as a team. I think that some of my classmates will go to IT after graduating the school. Within the game, we developed a phone that will help to preserve the environment. I believe that through phones, technologies and projects, we can improve the ecology of our planet. After all, if we do not save the planet – then who? And after graduation, I want to engage in public relations and projects, such as this one – to change the world through technology.”
There is nothing to add. It’s nice that in our city there are such children who in the future will help us create an environment for technologies that improve the world!
About the Project
Kharkiv IT Cluster implements Kids2IT project for young people of Kharkiv and Kharkiv region. We tell students about the professions that are represented in IT. Also we change the stereotype «IT is only coding». Our project allows children to choose the professional development vector that suits them.