IT Legal Talk 3: how it was?
Kharkiv IT Cluster held a mini-conference IT Legal Talk 3 on June 25, 2016 at Lemon Hub. It was the third event dedicated to legal issues of IT-business. That time the subject related to contracts with Customers has been broached.
IT Legal Talk gathered legal experts and top managers of leading Ukrainian companies, so we had an opportunity to consider important aspects of contract signing procedure in two points of view.
Natalia Vynohradska opened the conference with the presentation of Kharkiv IT Cluster and its achievements for the year. It was IT Legal Talk where we started our activity a year ago.
Ivanna Pohrebniak, Director of Legal Department in AltexSoft was the first who made a speech. She told us about contracts with customers and guidelines for company protection. A contract appears when a problem comes of. It is impossible to take into account all the aspects in advance, that is why it shall be real and amended as needed.
Our guest from Kyiv City, Oksana Kochkodan, a lawyer of Axon Partners law firm, continued the idea with her report on agile contracts. We came to the conclusion that agile was still alive, however, wrong argumentation ruined the values of agile.
After a short coffee break, we passed on to the second section of IT Legal Talk, devoted to arbitration issues.
Oleksandr Druh, an advisor of Sayenko Kharenko,
considered the basic fundamental differences between legal systems within the
framework of his report on “Conditions of the Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
for Dispute Resolution”.
Then we had direct communication with Pauline Pomorski, a lawyer of Wolf Theiss law firm, who spoke about dispute resolution and arbitration amendments.
Jazz rhythms of live saxophone opened the third section of IT Legal Talk after dinner. Lawyers gave up the scene to IT-specialists.
Maksym Bastion, Director, Engineering, Ukraine, GlobalLogic, spoke first at the third section about the power of contracts in the field of outsource at the example of real stories of success and failures.
Then a tandem of Anton Zinchuk, a partner of ILF law firm, Serhii Povoliashko, CTO, TEAM International and the lead of IT-Tuning project revealed the concept of warranties and indemnifications, remedies. Anton shouldered theoretical part and Serhii elaborated the report by cases from practice.
Then we watched a video interview of Maksym Plakhtii, co-founder and Director Genetal of PMІ Ukraine, the creator of online service for selling tickets karabas.com, who shared his vision of contract signing procedure.
Serhii Povoliashko made a speech at the end of the section. That time he spoke about harmonization of game rules and the role of each link in the process.
The final conference section raced by quickly and efficiently. Ivanna Pohrebniak made the process of contract negotiation with the customer loud and simple, and Olena Vardamatska, who heads IP/IT practice of Ukrainian office of Wolf Theiss, international law firm, shared the main criteria for choosing a lawyer – outsourcer.