Ehor Stadny: how to train employees and overcome the failure of the education market

IT Cluster IT Cluster

On 28th January Kharkiv IT Cluster’s Education committee had an appointment with Ehor Stadny, the Deputy Minister of Education and Science in the conference hall Spezvuzautomatika. The event allowed taking a fresh look at the problems of Ukraine’s Higher Education system. 

Cluster gathered Kharkiv universities and colleges representatives and directors of regional IT-companies. Each participant had its question for Ehor Stadny:

  • practical initiatives that will provide the market with classified experts are essential for the IT industry;
  • an understanding and implementation of changes laid out in a new reform remain extremely important for the education sector.

The goal of the Ministry of Education and Science is to make Ukraine’s education prestigious.

Ehor Stadny began with the presentation in which he talked about the plans of the education system reboot, entering universities and university teachers deficit in technical specialties.

According to Ehor’s, investments in the education sector bring high results in the economy of Ukraine. Unfortunately, the number of foreign students is decreasing, and this affects the country’s economy and education.

«When we accept students without preselection, we destroy the educational market of foreigners», — Ehor comments. «The students don’t take our education seriously and study carelessly. Then the government of their country does not recognize Ukraine’s diplomas.

We have to get rid of the scorched-earth effect and raise the standards of accepting foreign students. The role of standards is to be a measure, not a template. If we have high standards, we will raise the prestige of our education. This way, only interested students will study in Ukraine, building an excellent reputation for our country in the future!»

All the questions from the university representatives and the IT companies had been collected and handled by Kharkiv IT Cluster in advance. Olga Shapoval, the director of the Cluster, being a moderator, asked Ehor Stadny those questions:

  • What are the perspectives in implementation the practice-oriented education in technical education?
  • How to increase the interest of applicants to technical specialties?
  • Will the educational system for adults, the ones who study in adulthood, reviewed?

Ehor Stadny tried to answer all the questions as detailed as possible. It became clear from the speech of the Deputy Minister that his team had very ambitious and already implementing plans on the education reform.

Kharkiv IT Cluster collected more than 50 different questions. We did not expect such a huge amount of requests! It is a pleasure that Kharkiv universities representatives and IT companies are so interested in the development of the education sector. Kharkiv IT Cluster will drive this process by implementing our mission: developing environment for  IT business.
