Development of competencies of Master in Information Systems in the frame of ERASMUS+ MASTIS project

IT Cluster IT Cluster

Participants of ERASMUS+ MASTIS project «Establishing Modern Master-level Studies in Information Systems» continue work on drawing up a list of competencies of master in Information Systems.

Universities of Ukraine and EU countries are involved in this project. Among the six Ukrainian universities there are two universities of Kharkiv – S. Kuznets KhNUE, that is the national coordinator of the project, and NTU “KPI”.

A key objective of MASTIS project is to improve the quality of education for future IT professionals. And this objective cannot be achieved without involving employers to the project. Therefore, IT business representatives take an active part in the discussion of the master program curriculum, skills and competencies of graduates.

In Kharkiv, the project gained significant support from the Kharkiv IT Cluster and IT companies Akvelon Ukraine, NIX Solutions Ltd, Dataart Kharkiv, EPAM Kharkiv, 1C-Rarus Kharkiv, SoftPro, #SSA, SYTOSS, Agilites,  Raccoon Gang, manufacturing company SUN InBev Ukraine and others. Since august of this year a series of meetings on the project  issues were organized  during which a common vision of the profile of Master in Information Systems was developed through the joint efforts of faculty and representatives of the IT business.

More details about previous meetings are here:

Two recent meetings on the 2nd and 11th of November were devoted to elaboration of a deeper understanding of the expected competencies of graduates.

On the 2nd of November the project coordinator professor of the University Lyon 2 (France) Jean-Hugues Chauchat was present at the meeting and shared the experience of teaching masters in universities of France.

Work on the project is continuing and the next meeting with representatives of the IT industry will be devoted to the formulation of learning outcomes of masters and will be held in December.

More about MASTIS project 
