Debunking myths about IT jobs — recommendations from ZONE3000
It’s time for our ongoing segment, created in collaboration with ZONE3000 company. Today, we’re excited to bring you an engaging and informative article where we debunk popular myths surrounding IT careers.
We’ve all encountered strange rumors and stereotypes about those who work in the world of information technology. Sometimes these notions might seem true, but today we’re here to address these speculations. It’s important for us to show just how far they are from reality. So, allow us to guide you through facts and logic as we dispel these myths and unveil the true picture. Join us on this exciting journey as we reveal the real faces of the information technology industry.
Myth #1
Programmers and other technical IT specialists are introverts.
Many imagine IT professionals as solitary individuals who only communicate with their computers and a select group of people, often through messengers. But that’s a misconception! Among tech experts, there are various personalities. Some love social gatherings and speaking to large audiences, while others cannot tolerate it.
People choose technical careers not based on specific personality traits, but due to their preferences for the field, career prospects, opportunities, and more.
Myth #2
Becoming a technical specialist requires formal education.
For most directions, this is indeed a requirement. However, there are exceptions, like technical support. For example, at ZONE3000, the only requirement for the position of Customer Support Specialist is an Intermediate level of English. This can be a great start to an IT career, with the chance to learn everything on the job. Details about the vacancy are available at this link: https://bit.ly/47ulP1I
Myth #3
Any IT professional can help me fix my gadgets.
Almost every technical specialist has probably heard such a request. But these experts are not mechanics or all-around handymen. Typically, they are specialized individuals. Of course, they might know how to remove a virus from your computer or upgrade your RAM. Still, it’s not a good idea to constantly ask an IT person to fix issues with your laptop, phone, etc. 😉
Myth #4
Technical skills are the priority; you can improve your English later.
In reality, nearly all IT job listings include a requirement for English language skills. Firstly, communication with clients is often conducted in English, and secondly, by having a command of English, you can access the latest information in your field and develop faster. So, English is an absolute must.
Myth #5
IT is a field for men!
Oddly enough, this unfair claim still persists. However, many companies have numerous examples of successful women working in various roles, including leadership positions. For instance, at ZONE3000, there are female Product Managers, developers, administrators, PR and HR managers, and more.
Myth #6
There’s no room for creativity in IT.
Quite the opposite, actually. Take development, for example. It’s not all strict mathematical formulas. While specialists need to know architecture patterns, design principles (S.O.L.I.D., DRY, KISS, YAGNI), and code styling rules, creativity comes into play beyond that.
Developers think broadly, approach each task differently, and aim to apply their knowledge and experience creatively. This is how they find a creative approach to writing code that is correct, understandable, well-structured, and, most importantly, functional.
Myth #7
Completing courses is enough to join the IT community.
This isn’t entirely accurate. Entering the IT field after short-term training without putting in additional effort is quite challenging. Currently, there’s an oversupply of junior specialists in the market, so it’s crucial to broaden your horizons: participate in hackathons, create your pet projects, regularly listen to podcasts, and attend conferences. We also recommend building your personal professional brand by actively managing social media (especially LinkedIn), commenting on articles in specialized resources, and more.
All of this can be your additional advantages in job hunting. But remember, this path should be continuous. Even if you’re already working, don’t stop your development.
Myth #8
I’m too old for IT.
Starting your journey in IT is never too late. Countless cases of switching to the IT sector attest to this fact. Age isn’t the determining factor; it’s the desire coupled with professional and personal qualities.
We hope that we’ve demonstrated the falsehood of widespread myths about working in the IT field. So, if any of these claims held you back, we hope you’re now more determined. Wishing you success!