Cooperation of Kharkiv IT Cluster and the “Association of Private Employers” in protection of the rights of businessmen

IT Cluster IT Cluster

On January 28 a press conference “State intervention in business” took place in Kharkiv Crisis infocenter, which was attended by CEO Promodo and one of the founders of the Kharkiv IT Cluster Alexander Kolb, president of the “Association of Private Employers” Alexander Chumak, a lawyer of Promodo company Ilja Kryukov, the deputy of the Kharkov city council Taras Sitenko, a lawyer of Kharkiv IT Cluster Dmitry Lazebny executive director of the Kharkiv IT Cluster Natalia Vinogradskaya. They made a joint statement on the consolidation of efforts to solve common problems in the legal field.

In the fall of 2015 Kharkiv IT Cluster has signed a memorandum of cooperation with the “Association of Private Employers”. As part of the agreement the parties will give each other two-way information support, as well as they will make efforts to improve conditions for business in Kharkiv.

In addition, Kharkiv IT Cluster demonstrated the effectiveness of IT Legal Support project – hotline call center and advisory service on legal issues. Dmitry Labezny expressed the organization’s position: Kharkiv IT Cluster intends to promote systemic changes in matters of cooperation between the state and business structures, as well as to protect the interests of the IT-business. Alexander Kolb stated that he will continue activities aimed at the development of IT-ecosystem of Kharkiv and has no plans to relocate head office to another city or country. Natalia Vinogradskaya said that the consolidation of power of organizations such as Kharkiv IT Cluster and the “Association of Private Employers” will speed up the process of implementing positive change!

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