Books for programmers
Hello, programmer! Already finished reading the selection of books we had recommended?
It was such a long time ago, therefore we decided to prepare the next list of recommendations.
Here is our collection.
- «Working Effectively with Legacy Code» by Michael Feathers.
Learn everything about legacy code and the experience of the Object Mentor company. - «Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code» by Martin Fowler.
The author shares cases from his experience and advises on how to identify weaknesses in your code, as well as what the basic testing methods in Java are. - «The Passionate Programmer» by Chad Fowler.
Get tons of advice on how to solve routine problems such as procrastination, prioritization, and networking. - «Programming Pearls» by Jon Bentley.
The author of the book explains how to set tasks. He also tells about the theory of algorithms, issues of increasing code efficiency, verification, and program testing.
Choose any book and upgrade your knowledge. Remember that learning is a never-ending process, and books are a great way to keep your brain well-tuned.
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Also, read about the main IT-trends in 2020.