NGO “Suchasna zhinka”: respect for human rights. Basic steps for companies
“Respect for human rights”, the reference materials from NGO “Suchasna zhinka”, is now officially available for reading!
“Corporate Equality Index” is a countrywide research organized by “Tochka opory UA” and “Suchasna Zhinka” non-governmental organizations, “Sotsialna Diia” center, and supported by the International Foundation “Vidrodzhennia” with media support by Kharkiv IT Cluster. The 2020-2021 research ended at the beginning of 2021.
The specialists of NGO “Suchasna zhinka” analyzed the results and the process of filling the research and created reference materials for topics that appeared to be the most challenging:
- the process of reporting concerns;
- company policies;
- hiring people with special needs.
The information will be useful for owners, executives, HR and marketing specialists.
The materials provide a quick start guide for increasing social responsibility, preventing discrimination, and ensuring respect for human rights in your company.
The topics covered are:
- approaches to increasing social responsibility of a company;
- reporting in the area of human rights;
- the list of permitted and prohibited requirements to candidates;
- smart accommodation and implementation of a complaints review process;
- development and implementation of diversity and inclusivity policies.
Read more in the presentation below.
Social responsibility is not just a trend of 2021, but a basic business requirement. Improve your business and take care of your employees today!