Kharkiv Mini Maker Faire
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At 4th of November, from 11 am to 6 pm, the Kharkiv Mini Maker Faire will host the second fair at the Mechanica
Factory (126M Plekhanivska St.).
Kharkiv Mini Maker Faire is a festival of technologies, inventions, and creativity, a celebration of the “makers
movement” that has been around the world for over 10 years, and has become a national trend in the United
In Kharkiv, for the first time, it was held on November 5th, 2016 in NURE and gathered about 60 makers.
It’s a mix of science, art, IT, crafts, a meeting of technical enthusiasts of all ages, hobbyists, engineers,
academic clubs, authors, artists, students. A family holiday, where anyone, regardless of age, can learn to do
something new: from pottery and glassware to rocket models, simple chips, and robots. A place where you can
find like-minded people, colleagues, and partners.
At the Kharkiv fair this year will be presented:
ー Bosch Interactive Zone, where you can do whatever you want with the best tools;
ー Plarium company zone with a huge robot created in Kharkiv;
ー “Inspirium” – the first Ukrainian record-speed motorcycle that has set the World Speed Record on
Bonneville Lake;
ー the first Kharkiv fablab Garage Hub;
ー schools of Robotics and Programming;
ー chemical and physical experiments;
ー modeling clubs;
ー fashion zone;
ー robots, drones, 3D printing, IoT, green energy;
ー classical crafts (metal, wood, clay, etc.);
ー workshops for adults and children: welding, soldering, using tools, modeling;
ー art, music and photography (acoustics, tools, technology);
ー lecture program.
Among the speakers:
○ Dinara Kasko, who creates fantastic desserts and shapes using 3D printing;
○ Roman Minin, famous Kharkiv artist;
○ Anton Varavin, engineer with great experience, known for the eCozy project. I took part in
PetCube’s project design.
○ Platon Dmitriev, co-founder of Garage Hub
○ Yaroslav Lutitsky, who creates extraordinary motorcycles with his team. One of them has set the
world speed record on Bonneville Lake.
○ Dmytro Muhin, Autodesk Fusion 360 catalyst and teacher.
Makers are people who create physical products with their own hands and head. This is handmade, crafts,
engineers, inventors, artists. Makers come to Maker Faire to show and tell about what they do. It is through such
communication that new ideas are born, and the philosophy of creation and invention is popularized.
Kharkiv Mini Maker Faire 2016 Report
Kharkiv Mini Maker Faire 2016 in the media
Site: kharkiv.makerfaire.com
Facebook: fb.com/KharkivMiniMakerFaire
Become a maker: kharkiv.makerfaire.com/call-for-makers
Buy a ticket: khmmf17.ticketforevent.com
Anton Kulyk, event producer
+38 (095) 399 8378
Facebook: fb.com/kulyk.anton
Kharkiv Mini Maker Faire
To get discount or ticket, write a letter to pr@it-kharkiv.com from the corporate mail. In the letter, be sure to include the name of the event and the name of your company.