E-government – the prospects of Kharkiv
On November 26 Kharkiv IT Cluster held a closed meeting of the participants and partners of organization about e-government, initiated by Elena Petrova. During the roundtable participants discussed a lot of issues: from the successful experience of other cities to the proposals for the development of Kharkiv.
The strategy of “E-Kharkiv”, which offers Elena Petrova includes the following elements:
- openness and transparency of government;
- e-participation;
- e-government services;
- electronic services for citizens and businesses;
- management effectiveness;
- computerization of the urban environment: health and education;
- availability of electronic services for the population.
All those present actively discussed options for implementation these ideas. Participating companies of Kharkiv IT Cluster took all proposals for consideration and will discuss them at the general meeting of Kharkiv IT Cluster, where a decision will be taken on the participation of our organization in the “electronic arrangement” of the city. However, the situation with the introduction of e-government is clear: without the support of the mayor and the regional heads to implement the project impossible.
Stay tuned for Kharkiv IT Cluster, to be up to date!