Business in a French Manner: features and tips
The modern France is entering a new development stage. Last year it shaped its course towards the dynamic development of technologies and creative high-tech community, trying to catch up with its neighboring technology giant.
In support of traditional business breakfasts, Kharkiv IT Cluster invited Eugeniy Voronetskiy to an informal talk, who has over 10 years of experience of cooperation with French companies. Nowadays he holds the position of the Chief Technology Officer at DevAtlant.
Here are some moments, worth considering by planning a business with French companies.
Business Environment
Taxes in France are really high and can reach up to 50%, including insurance, taxes on income, and pension taxes. However, if students found a company, during the first 2 years of activity they enjoy low rates. A new business unit can be registered within 3 months. Regarding all formalities, the costs can reach €3000.
A vast majority of companies are of a small or medium size. There are many family businesses, where all practices transfer across generations.
Respect and high level of juridical protection for private property is an important part of French culture, granting the entrepreneurs safety, stability and reducing risks.
Most of French people can speak and understand English, but being able to speak French you become a more trusted partner with sufficient advantages.
Startup Ecosystem
In France the startup ecosystem is rapidly developing. It is called French Tech movement, and unites all innovative high tech business units of the country under a single name. It has also a number of hubs in other countries. French Tech emerged in 2013, supported by the Ministry of Economy and Finance of France and personally by Emmanuel Macron, when he hold the position of the Minister. Under such protection any company, especially a young one, gains many reputational advantages.
At the end of the discussion Eugeniy Voronetskiy gave a recommendation to Ukrainian entrepreneurs to consider the cooperation with France more seriously, because it opens new perspectives for Ukrainian industries.