Unique opportunities for Kharkiv IT Cluster members

Unique opportunities for Kharkiv IT Cluster members

IT Cluster IT Cluster

Kharkiv IT Cluster understands that 2023 will not be a simple year for Ukrainian IT-business, so we continue to look for solutions for our members to have the opportunity to develop and function.

On February 20 the members of Kharkiv IT Cluster took part in a webinar «EEN Platform. Finding new clients through a global community», the speaker of the event was Olga Shapoval – executive director of Kharkiv IT Cluster.

At the webinar, participants learned:

👉 How to sign up for the EEN platform
👉 How to use the platform
👉 What functionality will be available after registration

Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) is the largest community in the world that supports small and medium-sized businesses with international ambitions. EEN has experience in 60 countries.

Kharkiv IT Cluster is the only Ukrainian IT-community, which is a participant of the EEN, so after registering on the platform our members open unique opportunities for themselves:

🔥 find customers not only in the European market, but also in America and Asia;
🔥 establish international trusted communications;
🔥 get free consultations in the field of business and commercial cooperation.

If your company is a member of the Kharkiv IT Cluster, but you were not able to join the webinar – let us know and we will send you a recording of the meeting.

If you have not yet joined the Kharkiv IT Cluster – do it now and become part of the Big Change in Ukrainian IT!

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