A large-scale study of the Kharkiv IT market KHARKIV IT RESEARCH 2019


The project’s concept:

Kharkiv IT Research is the first large-scale research of Kharkiv IT market. In 2018, more than 7000 IT specialists from 36 Kharkiv companies took part in the project.

The research is held to confirm the international status of Kharkiv as a key IT location in Eastern Europe and to monitor IT industry development dynamics. It is essential to understand where we are now, where to go, as well as to track the progress of Kharkiv IT community’s systematic work for the sake of future development.

Kharkiv IT Research project involves:

  • the PwC network of companies that explores the industry and B2B market;
  • IRS group that compiles a profile of IT specialists and their needs.

The research involves leading companies and IT specialists in the Kharkiv region.

The Project Goal

The goal of the Kharkiv IT Research 2019 is to demonstrate the advantages and capabilities of the Kharkiv region as the most comfortable key IT location in Eastern Europe for potential employees from other cities and clients from around the world.

Results of the Kharkiv IT Research project 2018:

  • the report on the research was downloaded more than 10 thousand times;
  • the research data was sent to more than 50 chambers of commerce abroad and was spread by them in the local business environment. As a result, the trade mission arrived from Belgium and provided a free stand for the IT community at the Forum in Vienna;
  • the results were accepted by the USAID international agency resulting in approval for financial and technical assistance program allocation to Ukraine.

Dates: May 2019 — December 2019.


Stage 1: the IRS Group research among employees of IT companies:

  • review of secondary data;
  • creation of a pool of questions for data collection;
  • distribution of the questionnaires to fill out;
  • preparation of a report regarding the prospects of the Kharkiv region;
  • preparation of an IT specialist profile.

Stage 2: the PWC research among IT companies in Kharkiv:

  • analysis of the last year’s results and adaptation of the questionnaire;
  • creation of a pool of questions for data collection;
  • distribution of the questionnaires to IT companies;
  • interviews with top managers of leading companies in the region;
  • preparation of modelling results for the IT market in the Kharkiv region.

Stage 3: preparation of the results:

  • presentation of the results at a large-scale event on November 15 in the Kharkiv Palace;
  • run of a closed Networking & Knowledge event for the quiz participants.

Stage 4: distribution of the research results:

  • distribution of press-releases and results to the national and regional media;
  • creation of a video in English and Ukrainian to be broadcasted to attract specialists to the region, and position the location at the international level;
  • publications on the Kharkiv IT Cluster communication channels.

Expected results:

  • receipt of comprehensive Kharkiv IT Research Report 2019;
  • updating the data compared to last year’s indicators, and monitoring the dynamics of the area’s development;
  • advertisement of the key advantages of the Kharkiv region as an IT location;
  • increasing the number of students acquiring technical specialties in Kharkiv universities;
  • increasing the number of employees from other regions who choose to relocate to Kharkiv;
  • marking the main areas of the industry’s growth as well as challenges that need constant attention;
  • attraction of foreign investments;
  • increasing the number of contracts from Europe and the USA;
  • promoting the Kharkiv region and strengthening its competitive position.

Financing: mixed, partners’ funds, Kharkiv IT Cluster’s budget and regional budget.


  • national and regional media;
  • international publications;
  • distribution of the video with the results for Ukrainian and international audience (Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn);
  • publications on the Kharkiv IT Cluster’s media resources.

Kharkiv IT Research 2.0.

On November 15, Kharkiv IT Cluster announced the results of the Kharkiv IT Research 2.0 conducted for the second time and supported by PricewaterhouseCoopers and IRS-group. According to the research results, there are 480 product and service companies, and the number of specialists exceeded 31 000. IT industry in Kharkiv has grown by 24%, and the total industry volume reached 962 mln USD in 2018, having grown by 20%.

default A large-scale study of the Kharkiv IT market KHARKIV IT RESEARCH 2019
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