EDIH Network Summit 2024: Presentation of Eastern Ukraine EDIH to the European Community

IT Cluster IT Cluster

The EDIH Network Summit 2024, held in Brussels on November 26–27, brought together the network of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH).

During the event, the consortium led by the Kharkiv IT Cluster presented the Eastern Ukraine EDIH (European Digital Innovation Hub) project.

Eastern Ukraine EDIH is a new initiative aimed at supporting the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises in Eastern Ukraine’s manufacturing, agriculture, energy, and Smart City sectors. The consortium, led by the Kharkiv IT Cluster, will coordinate the project.

Olga Shapoval, Executive Director of Kharkiv IT Cluster, spoke at the summit as the project’s implementation coordinator. She shared Eastern Ukraine EDIH’s values and key activities, highlighting its role as a driver of digital transformation for businesses and communities in Eastern Ukraine.

The summit provided an opportunity to learn from the experiences, visions, and insights of other European Digital Innovation Hubs. Engaging in discussions on the practical implementation of digital technologies in various fields inspired new ideas for enhancing the Eastern Ukraine EDIH project.

The EDIH Network Summit 2024 served as a powerful platform for collaboration among European Digital Innovation Hubs. It strengthened connections between hubs and facilitated the development of joint solutions to today’s pressing digital challenges.

The consortium, led by the Kharkiv IT Cluster, is proud to present the Eastern Ukraine EDIH project to the European community of digital innovation hubs and contribute to advancing Europe’s technological potential.

For the consortium, it is a great honour to present the Eastern Ukraine EDIH project to the European Digital Innovation Hubs community and to contribute to the growth of Europe’s technological potential.

Together toward a digital future!


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