🎯 Join the Kharkiv IT Cluster and together with the community:
🎓 Strengthen your educational institution’s cooperation with business: establish contacts with IT companies that the Kharkiv IT Cluster unites for the common development of educational programms, internships and practices for students.
🔗 Evolve talented students and apprentices: give talented youth a chance to demonstrate their capabilities and gain cool experience under the guidance of IT industry practitioners, as well as receive cool gifts and opportunities for professional development and career growth.
💼 Update curricula: participate in updating curricula, syllabi and teaching methods together with experts from leading IT companies so that the knowledge your students acquire meets the modern requirements of the IT industry.
🌟 Improve your skills: take free IT refresher courses or master additional digital tools at free webinars and training courses from leading IT companies for teachers and lecturers.
📚 Promote your educational institution and attract students: tell our audience about your educational institution, join joint events and inform entrants about the benefits of studying at your educational institution.