IT Badge Quiz: a game from GlobalLogic Ukraine on the Programmers day
September 12 is the 256th day of the year, and according to tradition, on this day we and the whole world greet programmers!
And what celebration without gifts? So engineers from Kharkiv IT Cluster’s company-member, GlobalLogic Ukraine, created the IT Badge Quiz — a small augmented reality game on Instagram that determines what kind of IT guy you are today.
Are you choosing a new technology to study? Are you taking the first steps in the industry? Play this quiz and find out which IT specialty suits you!
And then show it to your friends and who knows, maybe you will be on the same team?
Find Kharkiv IT Cluster and GlobalLogic Ukraine on Instagram and participate in the game!
Kharkiv IT Cluster also congratulates all the engineers and wishes them inspiration, perfect code and customers. We urge you to participate in this cool game!