WTM Kharkiv (Women Techmakers)
- percent50%
We are waiting for you at the first event by WTM Kharkiv (Women Techmakers).
WTM is a special program supported by Google. It provides visibility, community, and resources for women in technology. The main goal is creation of a supportive global community in which women can connect, be inspired, and encourage each other to realize their ambitions.
We are going to address the following topics:
- What is WTM and why is this organisation needed in Kharkiv?
- Women in tech as a driver for business development and growth.
- How to encourage more women experts to join the IT sphere?.
- How to combine maternity leave with a career in IT?
- Who is preferred by employers in Kharkiv and Ukraine?
- Dress-code, office etiquette, pizza & beer and other male things.
- Mentoring and female support in IT.
You will participate in a hot discussion with four women experts. We are moving from a boring “lecture” format, so be ready for a cozy talk in the female club. Wine and gifts will add to the informal atmosphere.
Speakers of WTM Kharkiv Session #1
- Elena Samarska, General PM в Cloud Works, WTM Ambassador.
- Svitlana Petersen, Director of Operations в TEAM International.
- Tetyana Fomina, Founder and CEO hr-agency Sunny Dolphin.
- Tetyana Afanasyeva, Software Testing Manager в EPAM.
Ticket prices:
- Early Birds (until 31 January) — 299 UAH
- Reasonable Schedule (until 29 February) — 459 UAH
- Last Moment (until 12 March) — 599 UAH
50% discount for students with the promo code «student».
To get discount or ticket, write a letter to pr@it-kharkiv.com from the corporate mail. In the letter, be sure to include the name of the event and the name of your company.