VR Forum Art of Change

Kontorska, 5

November 4, 2018 at 12:00 at Kontorska, 5 (location of the Kharkiv School of Architecture) will be held VR Forum: ART OF CHANGE, created for the collaborations of cultural and educational organizations with modern media and digital technologies.


The initiators of the forum – the project of non-formal education Academy of Visual Arts Kharkov, ArtHab “Samokat” and company Gwara Media.


Projects presented at the forum will demonstrate collaboration of modern arts, culture and education institutions and projects in the field of art, culture and education in the VR / AR / MR / 360 era can and should be, how to use modern technologies and innovative approaches for socially important projects.


Ideas, films, exhibitions, installations will be presented at the level of artists, experts of organizations that create modern multimedia projects.


The forum will demonstrate:

  • the experience of transferring cultural organizations to new formats using new technologies and using modern approaches in the field of IT and management
  • new cases of cultural products that have a high technological component
  • experience in creating educational projects with modern tools and deploying their ideas with new teams
  • documentary multimedia projects with a significant technological part



12:00 – 13:00 – “Conditional Way” – exhibition of sculptures in virtual reality.

The project is presented by: Ekaterina Ray, art curator, Kiev

13:00 – 14:00 – Documentary VR-film “Wounds 360 °”.

The project is presented by: Joseph Syvenky, VR-producer, photographer, Kiev with support of Hromadske UA.

14:00 – 15:00 – coffee break, introduction to installations and content.

15:00 – 16:00 – Immersive Journalism Project “Aftermath VR: Euromaidan”.

The project is presented by: Alexey Furman, COO at New Cave Media, Kiev.

16:00 – 17:00 – “VR – new horizons of culture.”

Speaker: Nikita Khudyakov, CEO at OCHI.IO, Nikolaev.

17:00 – 18:00 – discussion.


Kharkiv is an special city where the IT sector is actively developing, but young people do not have the experience of using the knowledge acquired to create their own projects in the field of culture and education.


The forum is an experimental platform to show how similar sectors can interact with each other.


In the existing cultural sector there are problems with insufficient level of management and knowledge of technologies, which does not allow to communicate correctly with the expert community, having inquiries and budgets for the creation of projects.


Young people are focused on fulfilling the commercial tasks of foreign customers, but few are determined to launch their own project or research on VR / AR / 360 technologies.


The forum is a space for discussion, as the social and cultural environment of the city can change by a civilian way, rather than institutional-state.


We invite you to learn more about the project under the supervision of Ekaterina Ray and the technical support of Lenovo, the penetrating project “Woungs 360” with the support of Hromadske UA, the AftermathVR: Euromaidan from NewCaveMedia and the introduction of virtual reality as new horizons of culture from OCHI.


The forum is supported by the Ukrainian Cultural Fund.


The Ukrainian Cultural Fund is a state institution established in 2017 on the basis of the relevant Law of Ukraine in order to promote the development of national culture and art in the country, providing favorable conditions for the development of the intellectual and spiritual potential of the individual and society, wide access of citizens to the national cultural heritage, supporting cultural diversity and integrating Ukrainian culture into the world cultural space. The Foundation’s activities, in accordance with the current legislation, are directed and coordinated by the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine.


Entrance free on pre-registration



050915 17 86, Oksana Kohlinska, Academy of Visual Arts Kharkov, avakharkiv@gmail.com

099336 84 64, Serhii Prokopenko, Gwara Media
