Vice-versa Interview for Junior QA
On June, 4th the second master-class “Vice-versa Interview” — the event, during which the simulated interview on hard and soft skills takes place, and viewers observe it on broadcast.
As the organizers of the event, the portal of lifelong learning SuKhaRi, note, this will be an open interview for those who are not afraid of honest feedbacks.
At the event, a random resume will be chosen, QA experts Dmitry Tereshchenko and HR Veronika Volkova will conduct an interview, and then comment on the answers and make a verdict. You can find more about the event in the announcement.
You can come to the event just to listen.
The Hard Skills Exam project aims to improve the quality of IT training through the interaction of educational institutions (IT schools and courses) and business. Creating a list of unique joint check list of competencies is the first stage of the project. Now IT schools already give exam questions. The questions will be evaluated by technical experts from IT companies. Thus, the rating of IT courses on methodical work will appear. The next step will be the Junior certification, the ranking of courses on the quality of training and the transfer of profiles of the best young IT professionals to the companies.
Organizers of the project “Hard Skills Exam” — a portal to the lifelong learning SuKhaRi and Kharkiv IT Cluster.