Сourse ‘Python&Django Basics’


ItBursa is an online school of programming with a focus on web development. Now we’re starting our course ‘Python&Django Basics’ by Alexey Radchenko for the seventh time.

We think that one of the most difficult things in learning how to code is the transition from knowledge of basic syntax to making your own projects. So our goal is to help our students bridge this gap.

Our course is an online course. Instead of long lectures, we’ll give you short videos with theory. Homework is checked automatically, which means if you make a mistake, you’ll see it immediately and you’ll be able to correct it. Also, you can always ask our teachers any question in the online chat.

So you’ll be able to study anytime – in the morning after going for a walk with your dog, or in the evening after getting your baby to sleep.

When you finish our course, you’ll be able to make landings, blogs, news and informational portals, CRM systems.


Course start: 10 April

Course length: 9 weeks

Estimated effort: 15–20 hours per week

Course price: 7500 UAH