“Съесть собаку” #12: JavaScript meeting in Kharkiv

FABRIKA.SPACE, Kharkiv, Blagoveschenska St.1
For cluster participants
  • percent250 грн

“Съесть собаку” is a platform for communication and experience exchange in IT production.

On the 15th of March we’ll have our next “Съесть собаку” meeting which will be dedicated to JavaScript. That night we will hear some lectures useful for both development and testing specialists:

#1 Sergey Alexandrov, Senior Software Engineer

 imgonline-com-ua-Shape-kxZOk6c6fE “Съесть собаку” #12: JavaScript meeting in Kharkiv

Subject: Testing through logging.

Talking points:

  • Issues during large JS-applications testing;
  • How logging can help to test an application;
  • How to log a complex application on sockets with React+Redux;
  • Logger’s development, logging approaches without frameworks binding;
  • Advanced backend+frontend logging with the use of Elastic Stack;
  • Case: how we search and fix complex bugs;
  • Summaries.

#2 Anton Nemtsev, Tech Lead at Template Monster

imgonline-com-ua-Shape-FlJjJL9U8PmlozFI “Съесть собаку” #12: JavaScript meeting in Kharkiv

Subject: Code style and violence.

Talking points:

  • Why on earth do we need it?
  • What exactly do we limit and how do we choose a code style;
  • Rules and limitations for writing scripts, styles and work process;
  • We will create our own npm-package for the sake of especially sophisticated violence.
  • Rules and limitations for the work process on the side of version control systems;
  • What’s next?

We are meeting on 15th March at 18:30 in Fabrika.space, Blagovischenska St. 1.

Lectures start at 19:00.

Details and registration

Registration is obligatory.

You are welcome to spend some quality time with us!