Съесть собаку #10: PHP Meetup

FABRIKA.SPACE, Blagovischenska 1 st.
For cluster participants
  • percent200 UAH

“Съесть собаку” — it is a platform for communicating and IT-experience sharing.

12 of October we come together for the tenth time to celebrate the release of PHP 7.2 and talk about architecture of big projects and microservices. At the anniversary meeting we’ll be sharing the experience with:

#1 Alexander Makarov, Core Framework Developer at Yii

Subject: “Big projects, architecture and frameworks”

Talking Points:

  • The architecture: what is it and what for?
  • Bad architecture — whether the framework is at fault?
  • Difficulties and Regression — is there any way out?
  • What do you do with complicated domen?
  • Conclusions.


#2 Ivan Mosiev, Software Architect at AltexSoft

Subject: “Microservices in a wild”

Talking Points:

  • The habitat: places to deploy microservices;
  • Relations in the pack: how microservices communicate with each other;
  • Microservices and humans: user authorization and routing;
  • Keeping in captivity: how to develop microservices locally?
  • Conclusions.


We meet on October 12 at 6:30 PM in Fabrika.space, Blagovischenska St. 1.
Lectures start at 7 PM.

Details and registration


Join us to spend some time with quality!