IX International Festival of advertising and marketing
Remarketing Autumn 2016 organizers invite all professional community to attend the festival, the concept of which, this time, “Cheer up your marketing!”. Her agency has developed Arriba !, included in the top 6 of creative agencies in Ukraine.
International Marketing Festival Remarketing is the biggest specialized event in eastern Ukraine. More than 500 experts in the field of marketing, advertising and PR attend Remarketing every year. For seven years, the event was visited by about 4 thousand of professionals and business owners. Also 150 reports from experts from Ukraine, Germany, Canada, Slovenia, Switzerland and Russia has been read.
General partner of Remarketing Autumn 2016 is Vodafone Ukraine – one of the Ukrainian telecom market leaders .
Remarketing Autumn understands how sick of it you are. All you need to do is to come in Kharkiv Palace on October 19.
Address: Kharkiv, Independence st., 2, Kharkiv Premier Palace Hotel.
Price: 750-1 200 UAH