QA Evening

FABRIKA.SPACE, Blagovischenska 1 st.

We join under one roof those who know how to distinguish bugs from features, who are in love with perfect product quality, and who don’t let a project be launched until every mistake is not fixed.

Come on Big Brain’s QA Evening to listen how three coolest speakers will share their experience, work lifehacks and thoughts about most pressing issues for QA specialists.

The speakers are:

– Mark Kurchenko (QA Engineer, FluentPro Software)

Topic: Checklist vs Test case

– Igor Kolosov (Lead Performance Engineer, DataArt)

Topic: Performance Testing: Metrics & Measurements

– Maxim Kolotilkin (Software Engineer, WiX)

Topic: Test State Pattern

When? February 21, start at 6.30 pm.

Arrangement fee: 300 UAH

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