Python&Django basics by Alexey Radchenko
ItBursa is an online school of programming with a focus on web development.
Now we’re starting our course ‘Python&Django Basics’ by Alexey Radchenko
We want our students not just to learn Python and Django syntax and basic operations, but to gain a set of skills to be a good candidate for a junior Python web developer position.
That’s why in our course students create their own Python&Django project from scratch – making mistakes, asking questions and finding answers (our course assistants are always ready to help!). You will go through all the project steps, from creating UI design and data structures to feature programming and deployment.
This means you will not only learn the basics of Python, but also master some additional technologies and instruments like git/Github, HTML/CSS, bootstrap, databases, Linux, shell, Nginx and deployment. You will learn how to figure out what information do you need next, and where to find it.
There will be a lot of homework. There will be a lot of practice. We expel students who don’t do their homework. There is only one type of certificate we award – ‘succesfully completed’. We guarantee the quality of our education.
You don’t know how to start learning Python? Are you tired of featureless tutorials? Have you tried a free online course and dropped it?
Try our course.
Our course is online, no offline meetings required. Every week students are expected to learn theory from short videos, then complete a test and two homework tasks. Our course assistants are ready to help with any questions. Also, there is a weekly webinar with Alexey Radchenko, in which he gives feedback about popular mistakes, does code reviews and answers students’ questions.
Course start: 13.02
Course length: 9 weeks
Estimated effort: 15-20 hours per week
Course price: 7499 UAH