Kharkiv Expats Take the Stage
special edition
On December 17, The It Crowd Kharkiv holds another meeting with foreign and domestic experts in the field of social projects and social responsibility – Kharkiv Expats Take the Stage Vol.3: Special Edition.
What makes this meeting special? An unusual subject and our willing to help the Kharkiv Center of Cardiac Surgery.
Let’s discuss it one-by-one:
In a comfortable informal atmosphere you will learn about:
– Forms of social activism: from social entrepreneurship to socially responsible business;
– Charitable projects where foreign companies are involved;
– Inspiring stories of participation in charitable initiatives;
– Issues to be covered with social activities.
The event will be helpful for PR-managers of IT-companies, HR-professionals and those who want to get some inspiration and/or join existing social projects.
Who will share the experience?
Tom Hickerson – Senior EDC Manager at Clinovo;
Olga Shevchenko – founder of the socially responsible cafe “Central”;
Konstantin Pasokhin – executive manager Destiny CenterUa;
Nate Medlong – director of the charitable organiziation “Прийомна сім’я надія”.
Languages of the meeting: Russian and English.
Where: IDP Business Space, Otakara Yarosha, 18D (TC “Dvizhenie”, 2nd floor).
When: December 17 @ 13:00
All the funds raised from the event will go to the needs of Kharkiv Center of Cardiac Surgery on the eve of St. Nicholas Day. (Also during the event our special “donation box” will be available – and everyone will be able to make an additional contribution to the children’s cardio-center).
Let’s do good together!