Easy2Start IT Career: How to find your way? Interview for HR


When we are looking for work, we are faced with the problem of “Chicken or Egg” – work without experience cannot be found, and experience we get at work. How to resolve this contradiction? What needs to be done at the beginning of the job search and how? What can be neglected, and what not?
The answers to these questions are quite simple: you need to make your resume attractive, learn how to “sell” and get the interview skills.
Within the framework of Easy2Start IT Career project we will learn:
– make up an attractive resume for the employer, and there should be several;
– find out what needs to be done before you press the “Respond” button to the HR position;
– what typical questions on the HR position are asked during the interview;
– what knowledge is required for the basic interview in the Human Resources stack;
– hold a demo interview to “in battle” to understand what we can not do;
– get a feedback about what did not work out, and how to work with it;

Speaker of the workshop will be Olesya Ulyanova, Training lead, Life coach, Official education coordinator at Kharkiv IT Cluster

When: September 26, 2018, 18:00 – 21:00
Where: tbc
Participation is free of charge by prior registration.