UNIT.Kharkiv OPEN DAY / 2 17.09
UNIT.Kharkiv OPEN DAY / 2 17.09: UNIT.Kharkiv opens its doors again for freelancers, IT specialists, managers, and owners of IT companies!
What`s in the program?
- Opening of the Atrium zone – 1200 sq.m. of 5 modern offices, a meeting room, a relaxation area, a shower room, and a kitchen
- Interview with CEO UNIT.City Dominique Piotet in the Innovators Talk format. Host – CEO UNIT.Kharkiv Vlad Sokol.
- 💃 Excursion around the park
- 🤝 Getting acquainted with managers and residents
- 🍹Networking and buffet
All this is waiting for you on the UNIT.Kharkiv OPEN DAY / 2 17.09.
UNIT.Kharkiv OPEN DAY is a day, when you can join the innovation atmosphere, and feel how the talents and businesses are combined into one ecosystem for the development of innovation.
⏰ When? September, 17 at 7 PM
Entrance is free, registration is needed.
The number of people is limited.