Банер до статті о Dronarium. Текст: ми робимо свій внесок в обороноздатність України

Dronarium: we contribute to the defense capability of Ukraine!

IT Cluster IT Cluster

Until February 24, 2022, Dronarium was actively engaged in commercial activities using drones. The team became known far beyond the borders of Ukraine, as evidenced by publications about their performances in all top world media. This is not to mention the Silver Cannes Lions, which the team earned in collaboration with the SAATCHI&SAATCHI agency. By the way, the famous ad “I will sell a garage in Solom” is also theirs.

Kharkiv IT Cluster will tell how the activities of DRONARIUM changed during the war.

Learning how to control drones at the Dronarium Academy

The Dronarium Academy is a training center that issues a certificate that allows the graduate to be competitive in the labor market, in addition to receiving specialized education.

Before the war, special seminars on aerial photography, drone journalism, the use of drones in the field of entertainment, cargo delivery, mapping, thermal imaging diagnostics, and inspection of industrial facilities using drones and other complex tasks in many areas were held based on the academy. The following courses were available until February 24:

  • “Thermal surveillance using a drone”;
  • “Mapping and 3D modeling of terrain”;
  • “Operator of ground control means of an unmanned aerial vehicle”;
  • “Pilot of agricultural drones”.

However, after 02/24/22, one course remained for adaptation – “Using drones in the zone of military conflicts”

“It all started in March when we almost knee-jerkily adapted our civilian program of the Academy purely for military training,” recalls Dronarium head Ruslan Belyaev. “In this way, we contribute to Ukraine’s defense capability.”

The course “Using drones in the zone of military conflicts” involved military personnel who had been on the front lines to successfully convert civilian experience into combat. The practical use of drones in tactical realities was accumulated, summarized, and included in lectures and practical tasks. And with each set, this military-tactical component works out better every time.

Dronarium’s contribution to the Victory of Ukraine

According to statistics, 95% of crashes in the first days of drone operation occur due to insufficient qualifications of personnel. Therefore, underestimating the importance of training can deprive the military of its effectiveness.

“Drones are the eyes of our military in the sky, helping not to risk human lives. In peacetime, a drone may seem like a kind of toy, but in wartime conditions, this “toy” helps to eliminate all possible risks. You don’t need to walk through a minefield, you should just raise the drone and gather information,” said Academy instructor Taras Dygas.

The center trains representatives of various units — intelligence, artillery adjustment, the police, and many others. Each of the specialists brings his vision or even his own experience of using drones. All the baggage of knowledge is brought to a common denominator, with an emphasis on the tactical use and safety of operators and drones.
After training, the Center’s instructors stay in constant contact with their students in case difficulties arise or advice is needed.

The duration of the basic course is 5 days. The center teaches to pilot the most common drones of the DJI and Autel brands. But, depending on the needs of the Armed Forces, instructors can teach piloting of any other type of UAV.

During the five days of training, cadets receive knowledge of conventional reconnaissance, art reconnaissance, and art guidance, the school provides knowledge of meteorology and orientation, teaches not to impersonate oneself, as well as movement and camouflage.

Dronarium has its base of drones, but mostly the fighters come with their own, the models and principles of action are very different. In general, the drones on which the military is trained can stay in the air for up to 45 minutes (then recharging is required) at a distance of up to 5 km, and their maximum speed is 72 km/h. The manufacturer notes that this drone can climb to a height of 500 meters, but our experts have learned to increase this indicator.

“In clear weather, the sound of the drone’s engines cannot be heard when it is at an altitude of 300 meters and above, in cloudy weather – from 200 m,” explains the co-founder of the Training Center with the nickname “Akademik”. “But at night it is better to climb up to 400 meters.”

As long as the war lasts, the “Using Drones in a War Zone” course will be free for the military. Typically 80% of students come to the Academy without any drone experience or knowledge. Over the entire time, the Dronarium Training Centers have trained more than 4000 drone operators.

How to get to the course?

To get into the course, the unit commander must write a request letter. We consider each candidate and agree with the competent authorities. This is done so that there are no extra people in the training process.

Military girls can also study on the course. The Academy has already trained about 50 female students who, according to Dronarium experts, were literate and motivated.

Centers are currently operating in Lviv, Kyiv, and Kharkiv…

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