Kharkiv IT Cluster Celebrated 2nd Anniversary and Introduced the New Executive Director

IT Cluster IT Cluster

July 12, 2017 Kharkiv IT Cluster marked 2 years of work. The event took place in the friendly circle of Kharkiv IT-community, including Kharkiv IT-companies and Cluster partners.

In two years, the organization has grown to 31 member companies and united more than 3300 IT specialists. Cluster continues to implement initiatives and projects in the areas of International Marketing, Legal, IT-community development, Education and Government Relations, moving towards the main goal of its activity – to make Kharkiv the entry point of IT, create the best conditions for IT companies in Ukraine and make Kharkiv the IT capital of central and eastern Europe.

Also, Kharkiv IT Cluster presented the new executive director – Sofia Belenkova.

Sofia made a presentation about the plans, prospects, and directions for cluster development for the coming year and answered the questions from participants and partners.

Sofia has over 13 years of executive and project management experience in the US, Brazil, Sweden and CIS countries, as well within international, local companies and the public sector of Ukraine.

You can contact Sofia with questions, ideas, and suggestions via email or through social networks.

We remind you that on June 1, 2017, Dmitry Yakovlev, the member of the Cluster Supervisory Board, Videal’s operational director, was appointed as Acting director of the Cluster. During the transition period, before the full transfer, Dmitry will work together with the new director.

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